Dear Lucy HR dashboards connect to your existing HR software and provide you with the 25+ most popular HR metrics our customers typically keep track of.
Once you create an account with Dear Lucy and integrate to your HR system, you will instantly have three HR dashboards up and running. No need to build dashboards from scratch and no coding skills required.
To make things as easy as possible to set-up, we have grouped the sales metrics into three dashboards, each designed for different audience and purpose.
Once you have the dashboards up and running, feel free modify the dashboards to suit your needs. You can, e.g. resize the metrics, delete unnecessary metrics or create new dashboards mixing metrics from different systems and dashboards.
The pre-built dashboards are:
1) HR and people data for top management
This dashboard contains top-level trend data, suitable for users who don't want or need to dig into the details too much.
2) HR and People data for the HR team
The second dashboard contains more detailed data on e.g. employment types, working hours etc.
3) Example of a dashboard for TV screens, info-screens or intranet
The third dashboard shows metrics that are potentially less sensitive and that could be of interest to everyone in your organization, as an example of a good dashboard for an infoscreen in your offices.
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